Yup, Tuesday marks a very special day for the sweet adventurer. At Gelare, signs scream of waffles going at half the original price… which of course means, being able to enjoy good food without having to worry about ripping a hole in your pocket.
Really, who could resist freshly-baked waffles with a friendly price tag? By George, have yourself 2 shares while you’re at it, 2-for-1 special okay! Yes, you can tell I was born and bred here.
Why stop there? Top your purchase with a selection of ice-cream of your whim & fancy, and you’re set to have a utensil-licking good time.
But be warned, only attempt to tackle giganormous waffle on empty stomach because chances are, you won’t have much space for the whole thing and end up stuffing in half, which is really, no difference from buying it on any other day.

Or keep it plain and simple… with coffee and syrup of maple.
I don’t know about you, but waffles to me are the kind of comfort food you’d retreat to for a quick pick-me-up or just that boost of cheer you needed. The aroma of freshly-baked lot sets you in wistful daydream as you cozy up in its warmth and comfort, only to find yourself reminiscing on yesteryears.
When the closest you can get to A&W waffles here is by mere daydream, Gelare might just be the next best place to put an end to that pining for waffles… on Tuesdays at least.