Out of Biznez!!
Ok so no pelican delivery of ANYTHING, just a pizza place named after a stork… which actually gives a nice ring & rhyme to it. I gotta say, it’s probably one of the best tasting pizzas ive tasted, and the cheapest one to boot! I first got to know of Pelican pizza as an NTU hostelite, whose food choices are limited to Canteen A and JP. And when the tummy growls and grumbles late at night, what’s there to do but call for doorstep delivery right? Sarpino was usually the choice of pizza, being the second most affordable to Pelican. Plus, the latter didn’t really look quite that appealing on paper. But when you had one too many of the same kind, it’s about time for something different.
Like a smart consumer (at least I’d like to think that I am haha), I did my research online and surprisingly, reviews were mostly raves than rants. I did notice though, fewer pizza choices reduced to basic ones. No fancy schmancy pizzas here, just back to basics. Don’t be fooled though, by the lack of visual appeal or care put into the website, or the less-than-appealing pizza pamphlet that you would rather use as a temporary mouse pad (it works). I'm guessing the lack of investment in the aesthetic department actually favours customers to save a pocketful. As advertising isn’t one of their top priorities, we wouldn’t have to fork out as much to pay for the brand. Think of it, we are actually paying for what we want. WOW…
If you dont really fancy 1001 toppings on your pizza and simply contented with essential ingredients, then this is the pizza hut – woops I meant place - for you. NO frills, just good ol’ tasting pizzas. It also saves you endless pondering and squabbling over which pizzas to get. Too many options is sometimes a hassle, no?
The chicken mayo is my family’s favourite, although i've yet to try all pizzas from their menu. The chicken comes in chunks of tender meat, and boy are they generous with their mozzie cheese! Meat lover, like what the name implies, is recommended for carnivores. It still goes if you’re not a fan, as the taste is not too overwhelming on the palette. But if you rather not devour that much meat, pelican pizza is flexible enough to allow a personalisation to pizza. Just don’t be afraid to ASK! The crust comes in a standard size, which is not too thick -like you know where- neither is it too thin. Fluffy and crispy at the same time, it might just convert crust-haters to crust-eaters! Pizzas come only in 2 sizes, regular priced at $23.90 and large $31.90.